Hope your May is kickin’ off big! Dang winter coats all weekend again (ugh), but s’posed to be decent feeshn weather this...
“The man” won another one! This time Kevin VanDam won the Bassmaster Elite Series tournament on Grand Lake, OK doing nothing too...
Today’s Top 5 “Oh lardy, lardy” melons of the week! @josh_parris_fishing smacked this 12.98-lb lard bass on an Optimum Baits Balam 300...
Guy outside my office waiting to pick up his kid from school looks like Dave Mercer. Badly wanted to yell Mercer at...
Today’s Top 4 Wiggly pigglys of the week! Cali Delta legend Kevin Looper fished for this 16-lber for 72 HOURS [!!!] before...
What up with this crazy weather? We had no rain for weeks and now my neighbor’s building a big wooden boat in...
Welcome to Bass GEEK # 2! Because you know you are one…. Reminder on terminology: Bein’ a bass “geek” ain’t the same...
>> If you’re getting the BassBlaster for the first time it’s cuz a bud signed you up! Today’s Top 5 Topwater frogs,...
Today’s Top 5 Blubbah-howg melon freaks of the week! Mega-melon hunter Mike Long‘s having a year already, and we’re only a few...