3. Clent Davis and Code E Meyer on StrayCasts.
Word from Pat is:
> The boys and the dukes are ready to rumble. Word on the street some heads are gonna tumble…. Not really, but this week on The Glorified Version of a Bassin’ Talk Show are Sir Cody Meyer and reigning King of FLW Clent Davis….
Check it tomorrow night 8/22 at 7pm Central on Facebook/Stray Casts and StrayCasts.net.
4. Peter T won’t fish the FLWs next year.
Good luck with the restaurant biz Pete and git back to bassin’ if’n ya can….
5. AR: Brad Knight’s 2015 FLW Cup trophy damaged…
…at the FLW Cup:
> …trophy was on display at a local vendor’s booth at the FLW Expo in the Hot Springs Convention Center. An intoxicated visitor to the booth theatrically hoisted the trophy over his head as if he’d just won it. He lost his balance, fell backward and damaged the base of the trophy.
6. B.A.S.S. expands Classic bracket tourney from 8 to 16.
Cuz the Chessie derby was canceled. Will be on Carters Lake, GA, Oct 23-26.
7. TX: Sounds like a tourney trail is bouncing checks?
Read the whole thread, decide for yo’sef….
8. College kid Nick Ratliff will fish the Classic.
Won the college deal. Goes to Campbellsville U in KY. Congrats dude! Will be the first to tell you that the Classic is awesome, but all college kids who fish it DO get hazed — just ask the Lee brothers, who had to go through this:
After Jordan, bunch o’ Elitists thought the whole Jabba thing was too much so he was sent off-planet….
9. B.A.S.S. writer Robert Montgomery has a new book out.
Check you “Kickin’ Bass: Make the Bass of Your Dreams a Reality:”
Robert’s a mentor of mine in this biz and he’s dang good at what he does so….
10. Best bassin’ kids book of all time now in “e” form.
John Siejak’s Baby Bass ABCs like:
Mosquito Lake, OH — Steve Hatfield won it fishing grasslines in 4-8′ with a Rat-L-Trap (gp). Who says ‘Traps are just for spring??
Upper MS River, WI — Upper MS stick Dan “I was really using a swim-jig” Mohn won one with a walking topwater and jig with a Big Bite Yomama, all smallmouths. Kevin Ruh won another with a Brush Hog (gp) on a wobble jig.
12. AR: Xpress boats parent company expands…
…will hire 100 folks. In case you’re wondering about the aluminum tariff stuff:
> A tariff placed by President Donald Trump’s administration on aluminum imports earlier this year has resulted in two price increases and some scrounging for aluminum, but the tariff hasn’t otherwise affected production or sales….
13. FL: Benefit tourney at Toho Sept 22-23.
Helps fund Mission 22, a group dedicated to ending veteran suicide.
14. New Savage Gear sales mgr.
Jay Harris, came from Mustad.
15. Distributor Maurice feels good after ICAST.
Almost bought the farm so good for them.
16. Z-Man lookin’ fer marketingz assistantz.
17. Correct Craft chairman passes on.
Ralph Meloon was 100. Didn’t know him, but 2 reasons you’re reading about it:
1. Correct Craft owns Bassin’ Cat.
2. The Correct Craft motto was (is?) “Building boats to the glory of God.” Pretty dang cool.
18. My first signature tackle-thingy!
Check the new “Bream Blaster” floats from Thill — need to be custom-ordered of course:
Wanted Thill to use Sia’s “Cheap Thills” or AC/DC’s “Shoot to Thill” to promote ’em but got shot down…. That ‘lectrical fiddle tone in Shoot to Thill is KILLER!
Props to Thill for hirin’ a bunch o’ folks in AR to put those floats together and give each one a love-kiss before it’s packaged (maybe).
Tackle Warehouse has a few Thill thangs, check ’em here.