Startin' off with a poem:
They are learning things
I am learning things
We are learning things
Things being learned are
😁 Last line was inspired by Yoda. Little more musin's – no particular order:
1. What is this whole thing like? Is it like saying someone's a great guitar player because of their amp or their computer? Being a great (not just good) guitar player is really about "the hands" (brain), not what gear you have or tricks you know. So...?
2. These young pros are politely ticked off that people think they're good just because of FFS. Do they have an advantage because when they came up they learned to fish with this disruptive technology – and thus have more experience with it? Yep, in some situations. Let's see what happens.
3. I encourage the younger guys not to accept any limiting (and thus negative) labels. Also the "older guys." Labels given by other peeps mostly are no good. Been talking with my son about this. Know who you are and walk in it!
4. To me it seems like Trey McKinney didn't win only because of FFS. Everyone fished the same way (pre-spawn locations) with pretty much the same baits, and most used FFS (plus mapping, side scan, etc). He won because he had his 2 major areas to himself, areas he found. How can you find TWO good areas that other Elite fishermen did not find on a lake that can fish small? I have no idea but to me that sounds like a skill – using FFS? – and a risk.
5. Reminder: Beware of thinking what you see on Live is 100% of what any fisherman does. It never is.
6. In my 2c, what we have been seeing is fish being caught pretty much the way they have always been caught – based on the fish season (pre-spawn, etc). Suspended fish have been caught before, just not as efficiently or as much, which is why guys didn't spend more time doing it.
A major thing FFS seems to do is allow guys to be much more efficient – not burning spots, not burning fish, making fewer casts, etc. I think it also helps nail down the potential of areas they find with maps and side scan. Would you do all that if you had to make your living doing it?
7. Really interesting how this whole FFS thing is evolving. I fully expect the older pros to catch up faster now. It's not like it's some secret code or whatever. Plus these guys are some of the best fishermen and most serious competitors you will ever find in a boat.
8. To those who are so anti-FFS that you are projecting your emotions on me and others – I encourage you to be careful. If you are being fed by negativity, be careful. If you are consumed with negativity, be careful. If you seek out people who spew negativity (con OR pro FFS or anything else), be careful. Don't eat junk food because junk food will eat you!
9. If you don't like to watch Live with FFS, don't! Watch what you enjoy, do what you enjoy – why waste time and energy?
10. I ain't gonna be anti-FFS. A few people say I'm wrong or even a sell-out. Yep after 20+ years of being the exact opposite I've done a 180. 🙄 Like I've said before, I learned a while back to love bass fishing for where it's at. I have no problem calling out stuff I think is bad – I just haven't seen any evidence that FFS is more bad than good/neutral. But I'm watching! And I do make mistakes – don't tell my wife I said that....
My job is covering the latest, coolest stuff in bass feeshn, whatever that happens to be. That is what I will continue to do until the Lord says stop.
11. Here are some misc thoughts I've been having about FFS in tournaments – stuff I'm mulling, no particular order:
> No tourney wins or high finishes anymore without being good with FFS? If so, does that say more about the fishermen, the fish or the tech?
> Is negating/erasing overall bass fishing experience or experience on a particular lake okay? Many changes have been made over the years to level the playing field for rookies – does it need to go the other way now?
> Will limiting the field to 1-2 transducers make any difference? Would limiting screen square inches make a difference? Either way, should FFS straight up be banned/limited in some tourneys?
> I think most of us love seeing battles with bass in shallow water – blow-ups, tangled in cover, etc. Can we see more of that without banning FFS or...?
> Will the tech pendulum ever swing the other way? Meaning diminishing returns from FFS, or fish get so spooked that turning off units becomes important?
> If the cost to compete (cost of electronics, and for that matter entry fees) is too high, my 2c is we will have lost something – something important – that has made tournament bass fishing so great.
Fwiw – I have FFS (Humminbird Mega Live now). I don't use it because a) I haven't had the time to learn it (but want to) and b) when I bass-fish, I want to feel a thump. I am a thump man. That's my own "issue" and I'm cool with it! 😁
Also, I stare at screens all day long and really don't want to much when I finally get out fishing...unless it's 360...😆