Yep Eddie Van Halen passed on Tues. Crazy — didn’t know that when I sent the BB that day. Posted about his...
Couple deals below about NFLers feeshin’ for the basses so quick story: My daughter and I ran into a couple Jets players...
Wonderin’: Are BassBlasters getting too meaty? Do they need a side of beans and a nice cucumber ‘mater salad? Reminds me —...
Here’s the Vexus folks workin’ on my boat!! Yep that’n’s mine! Could I be more stoked? I don’t think so. Thanks fellers!...
>> If you’re getting the BassBlaster for the first time it’s cuz a bud signed you up! Today’s Top 5 Do a...
Little behind today cuz WOOHOOO a couple big derbies this weekend FINALLY! So great. Hope you burned up your wifi like I...
Y’all have a good weekend? Ultra-huge thanks to all those who serve us in the military. Memorial Day, Veteran’s Day — these...
Little late today sorry — cuz it’s chock FULL of bassin’ stuff!! >> If you’re getting the BassBlaster for the first time...
Rock that spawn with this-here part 2 of the special BassBlaster baits n stuff issue — enjoy it bass peeps! Had “Get...