1. Justin Lucas baptized his new boat with a huge smallmouth.
Dang that’s a nice’n:
2. Alton Jones, Mark Davis, Todd Faircloth, Russ Lane get B&W.
Hitches. Good to see..here’s the pic that ran with the announcement:
Highlighted the basses so you can see ’em (heehee!).
3. Ott DeFoe’s fave BUFF stuff.
Here ’tis:
> UVX Mask in Mossy Oak Elements. “Makes me a ninja basser like no other.”
> Aqua Gloves or FullFlex Gloves for colder weather,
4. Seth Feider’s on BassEdge Ray-dee-eau.
5. Paul Mueller found his own Flanders version.
Can’t believe he outed it but here you go:
> I call it the Freestyle Rig because you can fish it at any depth of the water column. It’s the best technique that I know of for suspended fish, and it’s deadly for cold water fishing when fish are hugging the bottom.
> I was casting it to the outside edge of the grass, counting it down 6 seconds and then shaking the rod while the bait slowly would pendulum back to the boat. Bright skies and no wind tend to make smallmouth suspend around those grass edges and are very spooky when the conditions are like that. After that day, I realized that this technique cleans up in tough conditions.
6. 3 Canadians traveling together on the Elites.
Check this line from the post:
> Canadian bass scene is serious.
Bet it’s not more serious than this in Canada:
USA peeps, that’s not Tim Horton the bass fisherman. I think it’s a coffee place. Anyhow, here’s how you can recognize Canadians at the ramp:
HAHAHA Canadian bass-heads!
7. FLWer Bryan Thrift gets Catch Commander scales.
Here’s the CC website.
8. FLWer Randy Blaukat gets Cumberland Pro Lures.
Cumberland Pro Lures website here.
9. BPT vs MLF.
Click it to see the breakdown on the MLFers website. Helpful but will take a while for some of us to really get the hang of it…or maybe it’s just me?
10. Aussie angler of the year is boat #1 in all next year’s derbies.
How ’bout that idea!
> As the best angler he has earned a complimentary place on the start line at all [tournaments] next year in the #1 starting boat.
> “I haven’t got one of the fastest boats, so it means that I might be able to get to my spot first. It is only about 4 minutes from the first to the last boat but it all makes a difference.”
Dang straight!
11. IL govn’r wants to use Asian carp money now.
Doesn’t want to wait for everyone to get on board with a plan or whatever. Word. Article is on wttw.com — I can’t link it. More on what IL is doing:
> Kevin Irons…at the IL DNR, has traveled to the Asian carp’s native China 3 times, most recently in Oct. There he learned how teams of fishermen methodically captured the fish each year by strategically casting their nets to divide waterways and scoop up carp sector by sector in multiday campaigns.
> Irons has shared this technique with commercial fishermen contracted by IL who have added their own twist. In China, they fish quietly, but IL “carp cowboys” are exploiting the species’ fear of loud noises using golf clubs, baseball bats and even plungers to bang on the sides of their boats, essentially herding the fish into their nets…. “Our fishermen didn’t quite have the patience. It’s kind of like a cattle drive in the water.”
Weirdly, that post says Asian carp are declining in China. Since Chinese folks love those carp for food, they’ve come over here to see why these things are doing so well.
12. ID has new head of fish and game.
Ed Schriever, came from the fish side. Word is ID has shockingly good bass feeshn, which might be why Brandon Palaniuk can a) catch ’em and b) refuses to move from ID….
13. Ranger has new fishin’ pontoon boats.
14. DC: EPA/Corps Clean Water Act rollbacks would…
…take away protection for 50%+ of streams in the lower 48 states. Not sure how that would be a good thing but then I’m not an expert at that stuff.
15. The YOLOtek PowerStick Gen2 is out…
…and at Tackle Warehouse, selling for $99.99 which I believe is 24% off MSRP:
YOLOtek head man Christian Corley says Gen2 is top-down redesigned:
> The ball and joint is now a full 1″ — easier to use, stronger, similar to RAM mount.
> 20% more sturdy when fully extended.
> Even more waterproof with USB covers closed or silicone rainproof putty (redesigned power unit).
> Includes Attwood LightArmor Threaded Collar and several small changes that make it easier to use.
16. The winter 2018-19 Bass Angler Mag is out.
17. Here’s a new-ish gal’s fishin’ fashion company: Fishe Wear.
Looks mostly fly-oriented, but you gals might dig it….
18. DC: Modern Fish Act passed by Congress…
…now headed to White House. It’s about saltwater, but if it reins in the feds from suddenly declaring huge parts of the ocean off-limits to recreational fishing — like they have under the last couple Presidents — good!
Post is on asafishing.org — I can’t link it.
19. 25 days of savings still on at Tackle Warehouse!
It’s not still 25 but you get what I mean:
Check this South African salty fish talk:
> Those fishing for edibles have caught some beautiful fish, while those targeting inedibles have landed some giants.
> Stumpies have been keeping the boys on the beaches busy while the gully hoppers have been having great success with the bronze bream.
Well, when bass-heads fish for edibles, they’re lookin’ under the center seat/step — and I’m sure we have some stumpies AND gully hoppers in bassin’…or at least gully whoppers….