If you’re getting the BassBlaster for the first time it’s cuz a bud signed you up!
Today’s Top 5

Looks like the younger crowd is winnin’ in LBs….
This gal beat her PB twice last week, including this 10.6-lb (25″) slop melon caught on a SPRO Bronzeye Poppin’ Frog. Some #girlpower right there — ya’ll better get on the board Trait!

At the bracket thingy dinkfest on the Niagara River, Jacob Powroznik did the unheard of: He decided not to fish the second day (or session?).
Because it would’ve been against his bud Koby Kreiger who ain’t in the Classic (but J-Pow is), so it helped K-squared potentially make the Classic…as long as KK beats KVD today, then wins the whole whack-it sack-it (oops, no they don’t sack it) track-it bracket.
BUT even with J-Pow sittin’ out, Koby almost melted like buttah on ham hocks:
> He rotated through several spots, with Powroznik looking on from behind the steering wheel of his boat, and came away empty. “It’s like when you’re doing school work as a 3rd-grader and your teacher is peeking over your shoulder. You know what you’re doing. It makes it that much tougher — just leave me alone and let me do what I do.
> “When you hit some good stuff and you don’t get a bite, it’s like, Oh my God. …I was like, ‘It can’t be this hard to catch one fish.’ You just keep chunking and chunking and chunking. It was a lot of pressure. People don’t understand what the pressure was just because of the embarrassment of not being able to catch one fish.”
Uh, pretty sure EVERY bass-head is ultra-familiar with that pressure, ‘cept for the peeps who only fish Champlain and Mille Lacs….
Very #stout from a steadfast bud:

Gross shot — looks like the eye’s leaking PB&J?
Of course two working eyes don’t guarantee squat:

Oops, not that shot. That Ed Bassmaster? He looks like a turtle…. Meant this shot:

1. Here’s the actual Ranger party barge.

Who wouldn’t?? Build me a 25-footer!
4. KY: New owners of Kentucky Dam Marina.
5. KY: Georgetown College gets new bass coach.
6. Bass growing faster from global warming?
Makes sense…that all fish would — right Miss Hillary?

HAHAHA! Saw that pic somewhere and couldn’t resist. Don’t get mad, don’t read me either way on that, I hate politics.
7. MI: Canada company killed smallie fishing…
…with oil spill on Kalamazoo River. Are Canadians turning into mean people?? Mercer???
8. AR: Xpress Boats owner going into HOF.
Rodney Herndon, Arkansas Outdoor Hall of Fame.
9. IL: Alligator gar being reintro’d.
10. Fish-off to help vets hunting charity.
To raise money through a pledge-based fundraiser for Hunting With A Hero.
11. WI: Testride Ranger/’Rudes at LaCrosse.
At the BFL this weekend.
Great vet-supporting derby just finished up there too. Every vet got a Lew’s spinning rod combo, a bag of Strike King plastics and several jigs. Props to all.
Tip of the Day
Which is EVERY day for him, except maybe practice:
> …crowd or not, bass are ambush feeders. …bass have learned to utilize the existing conditions to their advantage.
> “When you’re on a shallow lake…the bass are going to be active in the shallow water where you find bottlenecks, funnels and that sort of thing. The reason for that is because the water is going to be stirred up and often stained, and the baitfish are going to be stirred up and on edge. And that means that the bass are going to be focused on the bait and keyed in on feeding.”
> The key in such situations is to target the spots that give bass a place to ambush baitfish in the shallow stained water that is getting churned up by boating traffic. “The bass are actually on the prowl in such situations because they have an advantage (over the baitfish).”
> …he will cover water looking for flatter, shallower areas, especially those spots that have some grass and vegetation. “The shallow mouths of bays and canals — they can also be real hotspots when there is a lot of hustle and bustle out there.
Quote of the Day
Fishing pressure is the single greatest causal factor influencing catch rates.
– You hear that Guntersville bassers? From the very cool data-driven book “High Percentage Fishing.” I’m reading it now. Git it here on the amazon.
Shot of the Day
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