
Do You ‘Energy Drink’?

Didja see the headlines today, some baseball teams banning so-called “energy drinks” – the Red Bulls, Monsters, etc. Tempted to think it’s more mommy-state stuff, but on the other hand if I’m paying a guy millions of dollars a year I think I’m going to do all I can to get my money’s worth.

On the other other hand, in college I was micromanaged by a coach to where I was forced to get out of pregame routines that had worked for me for years…and it sucked. The whole “if it’s workin’, don’t fix it” thing.

Which brings me to bassin’. I know some folks do the energy drinks, and every time I see a can of Red Bull I think of my old compadre Mark Zona pounding a can before we went on set (at 10 pm!). Your secret is out Z!

Come to think of it, at that time Byron Velvick was sponsored by Red Bull when he was on Bassin’Center and had Red Bull ship him a Red Bull fridge to his shared ESPN office.

Yep, most times you have to be amped to come across good on the square box.

Anyhow, do you drink this stuff? Do you think you should in light of the facts that bassin’ often happens in the heat – except for that rare indoor bassin’ – and that MLB teams want this stuff out of the dugout because it contributes to dehydration? From USA Today:

The Astros began taking precautions in 2009 when reliever Wesley Wright was taken to a hospital and treated for dehydration. He said he drank several cans of Red Bull and soft drinks before pitching that afternoon.

“We’ve had a couple of issues regarding dehydration,” Astros GM Ed Wade said, “and our people think they can be traced to misuse, overuse of energy drinks. It just seemed that we shouldn’t be creating an environment where we’re almost facilitating the effects of dehydration.”

C’mon Wes. Even kids know not to drink sodas before games.

Anyhow, if you drink this stuff, when? So it kicks in the last couple hours of the fishin’ day?

Don’t think it’ll matter, but my dad is a biochemist and says these drinks are nothing but bad for you. I don’t drink ’em but caffeine is a good buddy.



  1. 5bites

    September 22, 2011 at 11:46 am

    I don’t. To expensive and they taste like crap. I do drink to much mt dew though. Remember a few years ago some energy drink was sponsoring Houston, Eaker, Martin and maybe more anglers of “advanced age.” Not sure what the plan was there unless watching a spun out old guy generates sales?

  2. Darin

    September 22, 2011 at 12:18 pm

    I have a buddy of mine that would take those 5-hour energy shots. He said he had to quit drinking them before tournaments because he’d get way to amped up and couldn’t slow down and concentrate on what he was doing. He’d throw a jig out and reel it in at mach 2 as soon as it hit the water. Gave a whole new meaning to power fishing or maybe that was just speed fishing. Anyway, it was pretty tough trying to catch fish like that.

  3. Jared

    September 22, 2011 at 3:18 pm

    i like the 5 hour energy’s best and tend to only drink them on practice days to get me moving. on tourney days im already hyped up enough and really just need to keep a cooler head. still only drink them in moderation of course, course i say that about EVERYTHING 😉

  4. Rich Arnold

    September 22, 2011 at 3:43 pm

    Monster Drinks, Red Bull, and those type of drinks taste horrible, make my stomach hurt, and give me the jitters. I stock my cooler with a good mix of cranberry juice, water, and G2 gatorade. However, after a long day\night on the water and proper hydration. I down a five hour energy drink prior to the drive home. A 2 hour drive home at 3:00am can be seriously dangerous if you are not on point. The five hour energy drinks don’t have near as much caffine or sugar. I have never felt a crash or got jittery from them.

  5. 5bites

    September 22, 2011 at 4:02 pm

    You drive two hours to and from work daily?

  6. Chad Keogh

    September 22, 2011 at 6:31 pm

    Don’t need ’em, don’t drink ’em. I think if you feel you actually “need” these energy drinks, you should instead look at what you eat and if you get enough sleep (8 hours).

  7. Dwain

    September 23, 2011 at 12:44 am

    Hard to beat water, and fuel (food)

  8. Jeff Hahn

    September 23, 2011 at 7:34 am

    I don’t do any of the energy drinks…to much caffeine bothers my heart. But, my tournament partner, also near 60 years old, drinks one of those small energy shots just before the tournament director calls our number at blast-off. He says it makes him feel like he’s 18 years old again. But, he does get hyper…in a good way!

  9. Alex Voog

    September 27, 2011 at 12:20 pm

    I stopped drinking Red Bull a while ago because it’s just has way too much sugar, and the sugar free is nasty. I use BSN No-Xplode powder when I work out at the gym, as well as when I’m out fishing. Red Bull and the others are NOT replacements for water, and those “pro” athletes should know better!! WATER WATER WATER, then my “Go-Go Juice”, then WATER WATER WATER and a few more slugs of fuel d’rocket. All the B-vitamins help keep you from be sore as well.

  10. Alex Voog

    September 27, 2011 at 12:21 pm

    …from BEING sore as well.

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