1. Help a bass-head pastor if you can.
Nathan Pirtle — got this note from a bud of his:
> Nathan is a buddy of mine from Pickwick and he’s a dang good dude. 31 years old, married with 3 kids and is a youth minister at a church. Just got diagnosed with Ewing Sarcoma (cancer) and he’s selling his boat to be able to afford treatments and gas and bills.
Doesn’t sound like they have a GoFundMe page so hit the FB page and see what you can do. Lots of folks are donating stuff that they are selling to help with the bills…think I will scrounge around in the tackle room and see what I can send….
2. KVD’s picks for fishin’ the Redcrest.
He’s not fishin’ it but has won an MLF there. Plus he’s KVD….
3. BPTer Stephen Browning on Bassin’ Edge Raid-o-ee.
4. Why Elitist Chaddeus Pipkens fished better with 1 arm.
Well obviously cuz he could only use half his brain…kidding:
> “….when you’re basically competing with one arm, you sort of lower your expectations, and that took a lot of pressure off me. I fished a whole lot freer and ultimately better.”
Innerestin’, makes sense, stoked for him…and his hair….
5. Couple Flanderz rigz tiddybitz from Brian Latimerz.
> Regardless of water depth or the type of bass I’m after, I use only one color FattyZ: gp blue flake. It’s that good.
> …employ a “pull set”…. Hammering the hook home will do no good — it’s better to lean into the fish and not give it any slack. That ensures the needle-point tip of the [Power Finesse] ShroomZ gets started into the fish’s mouth…. Just pull into the fish, and let it fight against the rod.
Since h’s lovin’ that Fatty, was gonna suggest he change his nickname from B-Lat to B-Fat but then I thought maybe would not mention that….
6. Did MLF get Venmo?
Check it:
If so, an interesting get — I never saw anything official on it….
7. TN: Boone bass should boom when water comes back up…
…after the dam repair is finished.
8. Rapala Varsity Bass Ep 2 (vid).
“Attack of the Clones.” Okay not really, it’s Noah Ezickson and Connor Walsh of Wake Forest U on Guntersville.
9. Geecrack tryin’ to crack the US market.
Launched a few baits at TW:
> The preliminary lineup of baits have all been infused with Geecrack’s proprietary SAF material,…comprised of a blend of salt, amino acids and shrimp flavors. These are said to not only attract more fish, but once they bite, the natural texture and flavors keep them holding on longer.
> “All these lures have been tested on Japan’s famed Lake Biwa, one of the most pressured waters in the world. If they are going to work there, they are going to work anywhere.”
This-here’s the Bellows Gill in “bug bomb:”
Couple notes:
> Japan brand, TW says “the Geecrack motto is ‘No enjoy, no fish.'” Word!
> Think I got a note from someone at Geecrack, can’t find it, pls resend….
10. Special edition Platinum Power-Pole.
For any bass-head who has to have it all…and the funds to git there….
11. WV: New Bass Pro Shops will have a boat tower.
Because…why not:
12. Luxury pontoons have runnin’ modes.
> With CZone, functionality and modes can be changed, programmed and updated in real-time…. Additional features of CZone digital switching include pre-programmed, single button click modes such as: “Party Mode,” “Swimming Mode,” “Cruising Mode” and more.
When bassin’ tubs have “flippin’ mode,” “froggin’ mode” and “crankin’ mode” or whatever, I’m out. Don’t want my truck to drive for me neither….
13. New 400/800 watt marine subwoofers for boats.
So peeps can scare every dang fish within 2 miles….
1. “Yes I go bass fishing. It’s un-American not to.”
HAHAHA! love it! Dude who answered the “must-answer” Q of “do you bass-fish and what’s your face setup” qualification question on the BB Facebook GROUP page.
2. How many “world championships” are there in bassin’? Answer: not just one..?