
The bigs spawn deep! Bubba Neko? Dalmatian and koi bass

I saw Jordan Lee kiss a bass today. I’m okay. It was 8-14, also worth $50K, so…all good. It’s good. I’m good.

HAHAHA let’s GO!

>> If you’re getting the BassBlaster for the first time it’s cuz a bud signed you up!

Today’s Top 5

“More than 90% of the big fish we’ve caught during the spawn have come from water 5-15′ deep.”

– Huh. Lake Fork, TX guide Gene Snider talkin’ — also said:

> “I usually fish with a jig and don’t expect to get a lot of bites.”

Couple more tasty morsels from that post:

> Fork guide James Caldemeyer: “The majority of big fish caught from my boat bit the lure when it was sinking or sitting still. Big bass prefer a slow presentation. When you think you’re fishing slowly, slow down even more — it works.”

> Mark Stevenson, who caught the former state record (17.67) from Fork in ’86: “Once you’ve found good structure where you have confidence in catching a big fish, don’t give up on it just because you fish there for a while and don’t catch anything. Revisit that area at different times of the day. I’ve caught a lot of big fish on the second or third visit to the same spot.”

Change to craws in dirty water and low light.

From a Gene Gilliland post on the Bassin’mastery site:

> …one interesting observation that biologists have made is that a bass’ diet may change significantly as water clarity changes.

> In clear water, bass will stalk and attack the abundant, easily located schools of shad. But although shad may make up the bulk of their food, during periods of increased turbidity, crayfish intake will often increase.

> The same holds true in low light conditions.

Baits from around the webz.

As usual stuff that jumped out at me:

Clockwise from top L:

Kevin Baxter doesn’t know much about baits (heehee!) but sure has a good eyeball for colors. These are the 6th Sense Speed Wake (shad scales) and Catwalk (Spanish bone) — don’t see either bait on TW. Casey what up with that man?

Here’s what TW says about the DStyle Truster: “…designed to catch the monster bass in Lake Biwa that feed on bluegills moving in and out of the weedline.” WANT! Lookit those little circles or dimples on the back legs….

Looks like Nichols Lures is now painting rear quarterpanels?? Okay that’s a spoon — pretty sure it’s green (cryin’ laughin’ emoji), not sure if that’s a production color now or what. Assumin’ it’s the Ben Parker Duck Boat Pirogue Size Ultra Magnum Spoon.

The always-experimenting Hideki Maeda of Teckel with some new kinda skirt wind.

Headbanger Lures Rocker Head. Anyone ever fished it? (Can’t link it — at

Geecrack is testing the new Bellows Craw (bottom) in Japan right now. Looks innerestin’. Other bait is the Bellows Gill.

Showin’ off some smalls.

Just some dang nice fish — makin’ me all jelly:

Before Kevin headed south, he was wobble-headin’ up in MI — with his HydroWave and T-H Marine wearables:

@cbarrettfishing nailed this slab of figured walnut on a Lunkerhunt Finesse Swimbait:

Brandon Brown, behind-the-lens dude for Lindner’s Angling Edge, smacked this cutting board-size TANK of a smallmouth somewhere in MN, wearing his lucky Sea Foam feeshn hat:

Koi, Dalmatian and just plain ugly feesh!

Lookit this koi bass! Lost the deets on this one, sorry:

Here’s the story on this pixelated feesh, from Matthew M:

> …Fishers of Men derby on Dale Hollow [TN]…. Not sure if it has a genetic disorder or is just the ugliest fish in the lake, but it was wild-looking.

> Had black splotches all over — not uncommon — but had yellow splotches along its mouth, tongue and lateral line. All its fins were black- and yellow-striped, and to beat all the poor fella was starved was nearly blind in its left eye. …would love to know what’s going on with this crazy fish…and if I need to go through a Germ X bath after catching it lol.

Did the deed with a Rapala DT16 (disco shad) on a 7′ 11″ MH Ark Crankbait Rod and 12-lb Sunline Crank FC.

How ’bout this yella one from Minnetonka, MN ketched by Andy W on a Rapala DT10 (old school):

When Mark Menendez was home, he cranked his KVD 2.5 Wake (green gizzard) past this Dalmatianed largie:


1. We lost an Italian bass brother.

36-yr-old Gianni Rizzo, apparently a guy in the Italian bassin’ biz and a competitive fisherman:

> …died on Mon 8 Jun in an incredible accident on Lake Bolsena. The man was struck by lightning while with a friend…on a boat.

> Suddenly, lightning [struck] the carbon rod, discharging its power along it. Rescuers were notified immediately and promptly intervened but, unfortunately, there was nothing to do.

Bless you bassin’ brother.

2. Kelley Jaye withdrew from the Eufaula Elite.

Said for personal reasons. Sure hope he and family are okay.

3. How Brandon Palaniuk gets better at fish-landin’.

Strengthens his rear delts like:

Good lower back and ab deal too….

4. You seen the Abu Fish to Win vid ad with Hunter Shryock?I really dig the energy of it — here’s a couple cool clips:

Kinda small but hopefully you can see ’em….

5. Hook ‘N Look’s Kim Stricker likes pole cams.

Aqua-Vu cam connected to a pole:

> “Before casting into an area…I’ll dip the lens into and underneath the mat to get a better understanding of the terrain. I get to see if baitfish…are present. I can see how the vegetation grows beneath the surface, and any underwater lanes or thicker clumps that aren’t evident from above.

> “The camera also shows divots in the bottom, and extra dark areas beneath the veg, which can both be bass magnets.”

> Oftentimes, Stricker also gains valuable visual intel about bass positioning….

Just bear in mind Kim spends way too much time underwater so he might be a little waterlogged upstairs, if you know what I mean….

6. B.A.S.S. has an official hand sanitizer.

A first in bassin’ fo sho! Is Dude Wipes next?? G-man? (Can’t link it — at

7. NC: Cape Fear River gets 134K bass fingerlings.

They look so small:

8. VT bass season opens Saturday.

Meaning “you can now keep bass.” Hope folks just keep the smaller ones….

9. BFL happenin’s.

Eufaula, OK — double-header, Saturday won by Heath Eldridge with 18-01:

> “I had boat issues, so I only was able to run 3 or 4 miles from takeoff. …a lot of boat traffic, so I found some current near some riprap on bridges and that turned out to be the key area.”

> …majority of his bass came on a shakey-head rig with a junebug-colored GrandeBass Airtail worm, but he also added a solid keeper on a shad-colored Bomber crankbait.

Dale Hollow, TN — 2x-header, Dustin Cooper won on Saturday with 18-03:

> “I fished on the lower end of the lake, close to the dam. I was fishing offshore humps all day, throwing a Zoom Ol’ Monster worm.”

10. If you wanna start Neddin’ on the cheap…

…here’s pretty much all you need to git started — 17-piece YUM Ned Rig Essentials Kit for $7.99:

11. Long but good MotorGuide Tour “review” on W2F.

Couple highlights, but fo sho worth a full read — can’t direct-link it but the addy is

> Just a few weeks ago, I thought I actually broke it, but it turned out to be a really awesome safety feature MotorGuide designed. I had one of my favorite topwater lures snagged on a super-shallow laydown, and I kicked that Tour to 10 and raced over to retrieve it. I grinded through pure sand for 15′ and when the prop bogged all the way down, the motor shut off.

I thought I was going to have to get out and push.

> …I learned that this was supposed to happen to keep me from burning up the motor. To get everything running again, I had to cycle from 10-0 and 0-10 on the foot pedal and everything immediately worked like brand new.

> You know what the doctor said caused [back pain]? Lifting heavy trolling motors so much. I’m not kidding. I fish fast and I move a bunch throughout a day of fishing, so I’m always lifting and lowering my trolling motors. I can’t tell you how easy it is to lift and lower the new MotorGuide Tour and my back is thankful for it.

Check the MotorGuide Tour on TW.

12. [heart eyes emoji]

When you can look this close at a bait and it looks even sicker than it does from far away, then wow man:

That’s the Yo-Zuri Rattl’n Vibe (bass).

13. That SIMMS waterproof pouch is now available.

Supposed to be for fly fishermen but check it:

14. What teeth marks??

I’ve been assured by the folks at Bill Lewis that this Echo 1.75 color doesn’t work around the shad spawn:

Lol! Dang son lookit that thing!

15. Limited-run Norman Fat Boy in “wicked.”

More colors here on TW.

16. Garmin’s Navionics maps now have relief shading.

Looks pretty sweet:

17. How ’bout this bait packaging!Lovin’ this:

18. FLW had to cancel the HS mini-camps.

Understand it but hate to hear it. As a dad of 2 HSers, starting to feel their age group is one of the hardest hit in this Covid deal — not the physical health part, the mental health part.

19. Theron Aspbery now at American Tackle.

New marketing man, was at Yo-Zuri.

20. Valerie Dixon now at American Baitworks.

No link 🙁 but says she’s pro staff manager and event coordinator…then lists like 5 more things she’ll do lol. Val was a fixture at Strike King — bettin’ they’re sad to see her go — and is the better half of the world famous seasoning genius Gaspo Dixon. If you don’t have a bottle of his seasoning yet for some reason, git you one here.

21. Important stats from the recent Coast Guard report (pdf).

2019 fatalities:

> Where cause of death was known, 79% of fatal boating accident victims drowned. Of those drowning victims with reported life jacket usage, 86% were not wearing a life jacket.

> Where length was known, 8 out of every 10 boaters who drowned were using vessels less than 21′ in length.

> Alcohol use is the leading known contributing factor in fatal boating accidents — where the primary cause was known, it was listed as the leading factor in 23% of deaths.

22. Asian carp update.

MI: Just 20 needed to establish in Saginaw Bay.

TN: Take the Asian Carp pledge.

23. NC: Lyngbya replacing hydrilla in Gaston.

Never heard of it but doesn’t sound like a good trade:

> Lyngbya is a filamentous cyanobacteria that produces thick, black surface mats along the shoreline during the warm summer months

> Unlike hydrilla management where there are known protocols for effective control, lyngbya management in large systems is still in the developmental stages. [But]…the first round of treatments were applied in late April and will continue on a monthly basis through the summer.

24. MS: Giant salvinia gone from Ross Barnett?

Been aggressively managed:

> While there are no signs of life in the areas previously affected by the plant…remaining on offense, as they recently approved an additional aerial spraying contract with Aerial Forestry Services in Ridgeland for 2020.

25. NY wants all hydrilla out of Cayuga.

Most of it’s gone already. 🙁

26. South Africa: Fishing now allowed but…

…still some confusion at the top. Here’s what went down:

> The easing of restrictions comes as South Africa’s High Court declared the country’s Covid lockdown measures as a violation of the constitution and therefore invalid.

27. This is a trout fisherman but…

…I’m sure several pro bass anglers are now jealous and motivated:

Gitcha non-trout BUFFs here — looks like they’re a little low on colors right now….

On right now…
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Tip of the Day

Zona likes to Bubba Neko.

Maybe we should like it too? Quick vid tip on the Face of Books:

His gear:
8″ Strike King Bull Worm
– 3/16-oz nail weight
– 1/0 Trokar Pro V Hook
– 20-lb Seaguar Flash Green Smackdown Braid (because he’s launching it so it’s kinda like a bobber) to a long 10-20′ 10-lb Seaguar Tatsu fluoro

Quote of the Day

“I have learned more about fishing from Steve Kennedy, and I have zoned out more when listening to Steve Kennedy talk about fishing than any other person on this planet.”

– Lol! From a funny donny barone post about Steve “tiger cat, bass cat, cheshire cat” Kennedy. Steve grew up on Eufaula so db’s profilin’ him now — for sure worth a full read.

Shot of the Day

Ain’t a tank, just love @dragonfishon’s bass selfies. Not sure how he gets ’em to smile like that lol:

Gitcha rad Fish Head lids at their website.


They tested a robot for herding sheep.

Or instead of spending a zillion dollars on that deal you could just get a herding dog? #doh

Ya got me

Jay Kumar’s BassBlaster is a daily-ish roundup

of the best, worst and funniest in bassin’, as curated by me — Jay Kumar. I started, co-hosted Loudmouth Bass with Zona, was a B.A.S.S. senior writer and a bunch more in bassin’. The Blaster is the #2 daily read on any given day in the wide world o’ bass so thanks for readin’!

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