In case you’ve been living underground like some kind of Chilean miner (Too soon?) and haven’t noticed: October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month. You didn’t think all those NFL dudes were sporting pink just as a fashion statement, did you?
I came across this story at and figured I’d do my good deed for the day by directing your attention to it. Yes, I’m talking to you – go read the story. Georgia pro J. Todd Tucker is raising greenbacks for the Susan G. Komen foundation.
Tucker lost a 32-year-old cousin to breast cancer last year, and now he and his family are counting on bass anglers to help them beat the disease into submission. There are two ways you can team up with the Tuckers to support the search for a cure for breast cancer. You can send a donation through his father’s website (just click the PayPal donate button in the left-hand column), or you can order a special edition pink-ified Big Green Egg (Tucker’s title sponsor) jersey from Tucker, himself. If you want to order a jersey you’ll have to send J. Todd an E-mail through his website. You can do that, here (go to the contact page).
For those who like to keep up with the pros on Facebook, here’s a link to Tucker’s page. His profile picture is one of him sporting the pink jersey.