Reminder I’m a-travelin’ this week so this might be the only Blaster of the week…unless I get the special late fall/early winter...
Finally gettin’ some fall weather here in the Jerz. Hope the fish are fattinin’ up where you live and you get on...
Okay not Mercer’s personal fish that he keeps in captivity for his TV show (hahaha!), I mean the high-teens and 20s fish....
If you’re getting the BassBlaster for the first time it’s cuz a bud signed you up! Today’s Top 5 Buttah-slathered howgs o’...
T-Bend melon-fest! Check these DDs from the ol’ Toledo Bend melon patch: Kacy Fisher with 14.16 sagging LBs o’ water-filled meloniusness. Yet...
Got some questions from some good small companies about smaller ad sizes. Considering it. Let me know if interested…. Today’s Top 5...