1. How Jason Christie might win the Classic.
Other than BassGold (do NOT sign up yet!), this is all you need to win a Classic:
> One thing I’ve learned…if I’m going to win the Classic, I’m going to do so by fishing the way I like to fish. …some kind of shallow-water, power-fishing technique.
> I’m not going to go to Hartwell and win on a dropshot — that’s not going to happen. I’m not going to carry a bunch of that tackl, because I feel that if the fish are on that kind of stuff, it will be hard to beat the guys who excel at that stuff.
2. How Elite rookie Caleb Sumrall got to the Elites.
> “I got laid off.” The news was devastating to Sumrall. Instead of hanging his head, he dusted off his rod and reel and started to fish. “It all escalated from there.”
Pretty dang #stout
3. FLWer Clent Davis has a broken wrist.
Feeshn lefty.
4. LA: Dylan Poche Memorial derby on T-Bend.
Mar 24.
5. MO: Charity bassin’ derby on Ozarks in late March.
6. TX: 16.88 wins Fork Bass Champs.
Yep Fork’s a big-bass lake but it has a slot. Winners had a limit, including a 11.17-lb “over” (the slot). That means the other 4 weighed about 5 lbs total…yikes. What up, Fork?
7. WA backs down from more bad bass regs.
Props to the WA bass-heads for just saying no…repeatedly.
8. LA: Deets on Bussey Brake renovation.
No completion date listed:
> “We built boat lanes through the lake. It was covered with stumps. People will be able to safely and easily get around the lake. We also built islands.”
> …the lake was completely drained and rid of all undesirable species. “We started restocking with bass, white perch and brim and will continue to restock until it is filled back up again.”
9. Check the Lunkerhunt Prop Turtle!
4 colors of bubble-trailin’ Gamara action! Dick’s and Field & Stream stores only til ICAST (mid-July):
10. OK’s oldest fish record is spotted bass.
And it may never be broken, at 8.2 lbs — caught in 1958.
11. New Kistler Graphite series rods.
$149.95, not on TW yet….
12. MO HSer gets bassin’ scholarship to Drury U.
Too cool:
> “My heart was in fishing, so when football got in the way of fishing, it was an easy choice to pick fishing over football.”
You hear that Robison? lol
13. TN: Vols bassin’ team sponsored by SteelShad.
14. KY: Couple new bass regs.
This looks like the most major one:
> …removes the 15″ minimum size limit for largemouth bass on 158-acre Beaver Lake in Anderson County. The lake reverts to statewide regulations for this species.
15. RI: First yak bassin’ trail.
> Rhode Island Kayak Bassin’ has received permission…to hold their first kayak fishing tournament trail around the state. This is a new Facebook group….
First derby is Apr 21.
16. All Cabela’s HQ employees offered buyouts?
17. Industry wants Outdoor Rec offices in state govts.
Interesting idea and needed if done right but…no word there on how they’d be funded when most states are starving for outdoors funding.
18. Our salty bros want help with Modern Fish Act.
Believe it would help preserve fishing in the face of the antis’ semi-successful efforts so far in saltwater, which is kinda scary. Click it if you want to take a minute to help ’em.
19. Birth of braid post on Bassin’masters…
…is innerestin’ but what Petey Robbins doesn’t mention is that Randy Dearman didn’t want to tell a soul about the new line, but Matt Vincent — former editor of B.A.S.S. Times and an old-school journalist — found out and ran it…and cat was outta the bag.
Line of the Day
Now [gobies are] everywhere, a curse to smallmouth bass and their eggs, and a curse to fishermen….
Headline of the Day
A diversity of bass baits will help succeed in landing largemouths.
Couple things:
1. A diversity of baits will help with every aspect of life…except storage spaces and neatness.
2. Since we all own too many baits, does this mean that no one can be more pro-diversity than bass-heads?
Asked my bud Kong that and he was like:
Btw, that’s the same dude that the T-H Marine Kong electronics mounts are named after…possibly….
Garmin winner and…
Say to to Rick C. in AR! Them’s his winnin’s, congrats mang!
Asked him if he always wears his derby jersey around the house and he said “every dang day” — hahahaha! Kiddin’….
Lucky for the rest of ya, will be dishin’ another Garmin soon…and if you haven’t entered AND shared your link for the Seaguar giveaway, git on it yo!