Full story here on BassBlaster.rocks, but check this out — Bran-don kin drawr’d!
Dude drew and texted it to me late at night — that cool or what? Take note Berkley (and everyone else), dude works hard!
Drawing’s making me want to eat some of those cheddar Goldfish for some reason….
BP’s main bait was a Berkley PowerBait Twitchtail Minnow soaked in Berkley Gulp! Alive Marinade (shad), which I hear he also puts on his scrambled eggs.
Jason Christie might have won the St. Clair deal if he wasn’t fishing “a little scared,” as he put it — meaning he was focused on making the Classic. [Wonder why…. #homelake]
When he got Grand outta the way on day 2, he proceeded to whack the snot outta the small-jaws, moved up every day, ended up 7th (he started in 41st).
He told me 90% of the fish he caught came by dropshotting a YUM Warning Shot in two colors: morning dawn [top, below] and oxblood red flake — which are a far cry from green pumpkin. So why’d he use ’em?
First he said, “I used morning dawn when it was bright, and oxblood when it was cloudy or in the morning.” But added that he has confidence in those colors, likes to use colors that are different from everyone else, and noticed that a few smallies had spit up crayfish with some red on them. [A-ha!]
Fellow YUM pro-staffer Alton Jones, who whacked ’em day 1 but went the other way in the standings, used the same bait but…in green pumpkin.
…by same dude, an 18-year-old guided by Troy Hollowell:
> “We got kind of a late start and it was kind of overcast and kind of spitting rain. The wind was blowing and I was thinking, ‘We’re not going to catch anything.’
> Hollowell…said they probably wouldn’t catch many fish, but any they might catch would be big ones because of the conditions.
> …they fished for more than an hour before Max got the first bite. “I was fishing a red and white topwater Spook, just walking the dog off the ledges. And watching a 10-lb bass hit that top-water lure is something special.”
Dang straight yo!!!!!
> The trio then tried some dropshot fishing, which did not go well, “so we went back to our original method.”
Pretty sure Hemingway wrote a book about a day like that….
Please tell me dropshotting is not catching on at Kentucky Lake.
Jackall Clone Fry. Word is it crushes them, maybe better than a Senko, on top:
> This was one of the best topwater baits I have ever fished. Puzzling, considering these baits are made for dropshotting….
> Since that first trip with them, I’ve had one tied on every time out, no matter the lake. In the last full year I have landed more fish on these little 3″ baits than any other bait I’ve ever used during a 12-month span.
> The truly amazing thing is…there is no “season” for the Jackall Clone Fry – it works year round and in every area of the water.
> It works in open water. It works over submerged grass and grass mats. It is great in shallow cover as well as pitched into tulles or stickups.
– David Matual, weener of the Erie Ray-o-Start. Was fishing Erie for smallies…and didn’t bring..any…topwaters…! No biggie you say?
> I was around a school of fish that were so jacked up that every morning when I got there, I saw them busting on the surface.
Ah yes. That never happens with smallies…. Cuz of that, Rooster ain’t gon’ give you no money mang!
HAHAHA! Here’s what he used to ween:
> “In the beginning, on the first day, we set up shallow and we were getting some smaller fish, but I noticed a lot of the bass were busting behind us. So I moved out a little deeper to that 15- to 18-foot range and that’s when we started connecting with the bigger ones.”
Dropshotted a Jackall Crosstail Shad (several colors, darker in a.m.) — and you BETTER have them Crosstails dropshottin’ up there — on a 1/0 Gamakatsu Drop Shot hook and a 3/8- to 1/2-ounce weight.
Also used a 3.5″ Chompers tube (green pumpkin) on a 3/8-oz jighead with a 90-degree line tie.
Interesting notes from the top 10 patterns:
> 2nd also used the Crosstail Shad.
> 3rd and 5th used Rapala DT-10 cranks in rasta, Caribbean shad, Helsinki shad, blueback herring and smash.
> 4th also cranked, but with a Strike King 5XD (sexy shad) and a Strike King Red Eye Shad (chrome sexy).
> A few guys dropshotted the Yamamoto Shad Shape Worm.
Bye to the Elites. Look for Monsieur Short to be runnin’ a Bassin’ Cat at whatever derbies he fishes in the future.
2. NY: Menendez’s alleged harasser going to court.
Can’t wait to hear.
3. Russ Lane promotes baits better than most.
Most Elites that is. Good job Rustle!
4. J Wheels doing the drain plug shimmy.
Musta started the day with decaf?
5. WI: MLFers play La Crosse.
So…it had nothing to do with money?
Or ‘Squatch?
6. TN: New Bethel U bassin’ recruit.
Love these stories. Colleges signing high school kids for bassin’ = awesome.
7. MX: Sugar Lake sounds awesome.
> The trip was a success, producing 100-fish stringers daily with a big bass topping 9 lbs, and a potential double-digit fish being lost.
Z, I will meet you down there man!
8. KS: New attractors attracting bass.
9. MO wants opinions on stream smallie limits.
10. The Fonz doesn’t like bass fishing.
11. AL: Dudes rescue river kittens.
Siemantel, sounds like a new swimbait idea hahaha!
Headline of the Day
Sounds like it was written by a bass?
Tip of the Day
You might know this one, you might not. If not, a quick tip from 2014 Bassmaster Classic qualifier Chris Jones:
Gitcha Booyah Pad Crashers here on Tackle Warehouse. Chris says in the pads use the regular one — over grass use the Poppin’ Pad Crasher.
Quote of the Day
If I get rid of all the stuff I never use, I might get an extra hour of sleep.
– Aaron Martens talkin‘ ’bout getting rid of baits he doesn’t use.
> “That’s a big burden on me and makes my job more difficult,”
Please raise your hand if you would like to help Aaron with this burden by relieving him of some tackle….

Jay Kumar is the guy who created BassFan, co-hosted Loudmouth Bass with Zona, was a B.A.S.S. senior writer and a whole lot more in bassin’. His BassBlaster is a daily-ish roundup of the best in bassin’, and is the #2 or #3 daily read on any given day in the wide world o’ bass. Also available as an app:

BassGold.com | TackleWarehouse.com
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