View this email in your browser What in the world happened this weekend! First Canadian to win 2 Elites (and in 1...
Not bad eh? We all know that it’s never a surprise when the Johnstons do well in smallmouth country so that’s not...
View this email in your browser Anyone know anything about Dallas? FL is talking us out of moving here, for reasons I’ve...
Ed’s your new hero non-tech peeps! He did use FFS a little (not for minnow-feeding), but caught ’em mostly on a jig,...
View this email in your browser I have no inside knowledge about this, but if I could be at the St Lawrence...
Michael “Top 10” Neal is still “Top 10” Neal but this time he finished in the top spot! So in a way...
View this email in your browser Someone in the Olympics was bass bit! 😁 Hahaha! Gotta credit my daughter for spotting it...
View this email in your browser Thoughts on our FL travelin’s: – Real estate prices are way too high (for what it...
View this email in your browser Initial reflections on Monroe, LA: 1. A sense of community I’ve never felt before. 2. More...