Winning Baits

Jason Christie’s 2nd place Toledo Bend bait and pattern


Jason finished 2nd at the Toledo Bend Bassmaster Elite, and wasn’t happy about getting that close and not winning. But he fished a good tournament, particularly since he didn’t have much going.

“I’m a get in an area and grind it out guy, and I just never found an area like that in practice,” he said. “I got a few bites here and there. So I didn’t have a good vibe after practice, but that changed the first morning when I caught that big one [9-10].

“That big one changes not only the day, but the whole event. It gave me a head start. Once I caught that, I settled down and started picking things apart. I was fishing more to win than just do good in the event. Because when I started the event I was actually just practicing — trying to figure it out.

“When I caught that fish, everything went in slow motion and I got to really working things over.”


He caught that fish and almost all the ones he weighed in on a 1/2-oz BOOYAH Blade spinnerbait (chartreuse/white) with double Colorados and a YUM Swim’N Dinger trailer (pearl silver flake).

Jason almost won the 2016 Classic with a similar setup, and the main thing in both cases that he keyed on was dirtier water.

“Wednesday we got a lot of wind and the water got chalky in a lot of places it wasn’t, so that’s where I fished the first day. The next day that area cleaned up quite a bit so I  moved up the lake hunting dirtier water [and did that every day].”

He decided to fish a spinnerbait for several reasons:

1. Dirty water.

2. Lake level — “We had a lake level where a lot of things in the water were just barely in the water…at most 18″. It was so shallow that [it was almost too shallow for a bass to nose down on a flipping bait]. I feel more confident [in those conditions] fishing a bait that’s even with them or a little bit above them. That way I know they’ll see or feel the bait.”

3. Covering water — Every day he was in search mode. “I can cover 5 times more water with a spinnerbait than a flipping stick. I never found an area I could dissect with a flipping stick.”

4. Shad spawn — “A little shad spawn was going on and I felt like they’d eat a spinnerbait better than something on the bottom.”

The Colorado blades were silver front/gold back unless he was in super-dirty water (3″ viz), in which case he threw the same bait but with a red front blade — an old Oklahoma trick he has confidence in.


> His retrieve was standard for spinnerbaits: He fished it deep enough to where he just saw the blades.

> Targets were hard ones like the backs of docks, cypress trees, cypress roots, laydowns, buck brush, “anything a bass would spawn on.” The 9-lber was on the lip of a hard edge.

> Spinnerbait gear: 6′ 10″ Falcon Cara Head Turner rod, 6.8:1 Lew’s Custom Pro reel, 22-lb Sunline Shooter. “That 22-lb line is like cable — you can throw it with a spinnerbait and just horse them out. I brought fish over cypress trees, had fish caught in roots…. “I used to throw it on 20, but the last few years I’ve thrown it on 22. I don’t even worry about it — I may retie 1-2x per day.”

> His flip bait was 1/2-oz BOOYAH Bankroll Jig (“faithful” = black/blue) with a YUM Craw Chunk (black blue shadow) — the same bait he used to win the Dardanelle, AR Elite in 2014.

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