How Ish won: He FLIPPED a FROG.
Of course he did! I mean, what would you do if you had a frog tied on and were around literally miles of surface veggies? You’d flip your dang frog and hang on, right??
You hear that and are like:
But Ish is like:
What he said about it — full pattern deets on the BassBlaster website:
> “I was flipping a frog. [Initially] I was getting bites on a frog, but I saw fish moving under the duckweed. I tried to flip them out of there [with a soft-plastic], but they wouldn’t eat it. Then I saw a small patch of duckweed, like a 2′ circle. I pitched the frog right to the middle and a 3-lber ate it right away. I didn’t even have to move it. So I repeated that.
> “I’ve done that [flipped a frog] before a little bit, but not to the extent I did at this event. Rojas did it at Dardanelle [last year] when he almost won it.
> “You can’t work the bait because there’s not enough area to work it, but the fish are looking up. So when when you try to flip through there with a weight, it goes to the bottom too fast and they won’t eat it.
> “They sucked it in under the duckweed. Duckweed is the best frog fishing mat you can ever fish — it’s the easiest stuff for them to access the bait. I had bites I didn’t even see. They’d just grab the bait. I didn’t even hear anything — the line was just pulling to the side. It was one of the best frog bites I’ve ever been on.
> “I went through about 10 frogs over the course of the tournament.”
Before and after pic of his frowg:
> “[The frog has] a little wider body with a flatter bottom to it, so it pushes more and spits water when you slap it. Like when you keep your fingers together and slap the water — that’s how the water sprays. And when you push it through a mat, when you chug it, it pushes the mat because it weighs a lot more.
> “The hooks are most important. I’m using an XH-action rod with braid, so I needed a beefier, bigger hook in this bait.”
Way more deets in his winning pattern story on the BassBlaster website.
2nd-5th upper Miss Elitist baits.
2nd: Jacob “J-Pow J-Proz” Powroznik
> “First day I was fishing some heavy cheese mats, where that Freddy B Frog works best. It moves a lot of water so the fish can find it through the mats.
> “As the tournament progressed…moved to shallowest part of that area…island trees. I don’t know how many bass were around those things — it was ridiculous. You know how everyone says you have to follow the bait — shad, herring or whatever — this week it was all about finding the frogs. There were thousands back where I was fishing — the bass were schooling on frogs.
> “Any piece of hard cover with duckweed mat blowed up around it was guaranteed.
> “I was fishing the Goose Pond area, just way back farther than anyone else was. The two things that helped me the most, along with the baits, were my Lowrance C-Mapping — it’s like Google Earth…showed me where all that stuff was — and how did we ever fish without Power-Poles?”
3rd: Randall “don’t badger me” Tharp
> “First 2 days I fished main river current breaks with grass banks, 3′ or less. Then it went underwater. I moved to the Black River and fished flooded bushes in 4′ or less.”
4th: Gerald “the other G” Spohrer
> Depth for all less than 3′.
5th: Jacob “J-Wheels” Wheeler
> “Rotated frogs this week but one of my main frogs was a Terminator Walking Frog Jr (black). Mostly targeting pad fields, duckweed and rocks.
> “50-lb Sufix 832 braid. I could get a little bit further distance throwing a smaller-diameter braid, which I felt like got me a few more bites around the pressured areas.”
> “Caught a few fish on a variety of other baits throughout the week, but those were my main techniques. 5′ and shallower on both.”
Is the cure for Asian carp koi…herpes??
From here:
> Hundreds of the large invaders turned up dead at the conservation area [in ON] recently, leaving ecologists to speculate if the destructive carp have a virus called koi herpes.
Seriously?? If so, I expect the gov’ts of TN and KY to be requesting funds immediately for dropping fish herpes virus into public water:
> “This virus does only strike carp…and does not pose a risk to people.” It’s safe to eat and handle infected carp….
EAT?? CARP??? With the herp????
Serious for a sec — shouldn’t they see if that virus will actually kill those things?
Lookit that craw!
2. Looks like Jamie Hartman didn’t fish.
Bad back issues — feel for ya man, hope it’s getting better.
3. Brent Chapman still leading AOY.
Brent finished 23rd at the upper Miss:
Good post on Brent’s “reboot” thanks to sports shrink, getting better on the mental side…and here’s the newest edition of his Pro vs Joe show, shot at ginrmous bass factory Camelot Bell, TX.
4. Money quotes about Lake Oahe.
Callin’ it Lake Wahoo, somewhere up north where only wolves, moose and boulders live:
> Brandon Palaniuk: “I’m stoked because it is the closest event we’ve ever fished to my house — it’s only 14 hours away!”
> Seth “llama not alpaca” Feider: “It is in the middle of nowhere, and those bass have never seen a lure.”
5. FLWer Derrick Blake’s boat/truck stolen.
Middle of the night outside a hotel. Sorry to hear, hope he gets it all back in one piece. Hope the criminals get caught too.
6. FLWer John Hunter will be at a TX Roadhouse.
Chesterfield Township, 6-8 pm TOMORROW.
7. Win a feeshn date with FLWer Scott Martin.
8. KY: FLW having benefit tourney for shooting victims.
> …benefiting victims of the Jan 23 shooting at Marshall County High School in Benton, KY, will be held July 21 on Kentucky Lake out of Kentucky Dam Marina.
9. SC: Winyah Bay wants Elites back next year.
10. DE team wins B.A.S.S. Eastern Regional…
…on Winyah Bay. Props to ’em! Heard once that there’s fewer bass-heads in DE than in your average town in TX. Or I just made that up, not sure….
11. NY: Tagged smallies show they go over Niagara Falls.
12. CA: 66 largies in 1 day at Clear Lake.
Most 3-4 lbs, dropshotting a Baby Brush Hog.
13. Gitcha stars n stripes BUFF gear now!
Some ultra-cool stuff, few of my faves — one in there for all you Marines:
14. New Kistler Z-Bone rods now available.
Kistler website only….
On BassBlaster.rocks right now…
Tip of the Day
Couple Dean Rojas frowgin’ tips.
Dean’s like this with a frog…
> The problem most people have with it is they keep too tight of a line to the bait when they twitch it — you need a little bit of slack line to make it move side to side. If your line is too tight, it will only pull straight towards you. Leave a little slack and the nose of the bait will move back and forth with each twitch of the rod.
> The other thing I suggest is that people think of Kermit like they do when they go bobber fishing. It’s a very visual approach, and all you have to do is wait for the float to go down and set the hook hard, keep steady pressure on them and grind them to the boat.
> I try to tell anyone who wants to know how to catch more and bigger fish on the Bronzeye Frog to do one thing; get imaginative with your casting. The key that I’ve found is to put the bait in places that most other people won’t throw a $9 lure. Don’t be afraid to flip, pitch, toss and skip this frog under docks and trees, over cables and weedbeds and through heavy wood cover or tules — it will come back out.
Quote of the Day
“He walked it, he talked it and came away with some hardware.”
– Full-time bass-head and part-time NFL player Brian Robison talkin’ ’bout former NFL ball-snatcher Randy Moss, who won B-Rob’s charity deal this weekend on the upper Mississippi Reever. BUT Moss’ “guide” was Ott DeFoe, who I’m pretty sure found a blue trophy under a wing dam there one time….
WTHeck was this fish??
> Below the 35′ Duffy, the hefty tuna was tiring, circling ever-tighter in the 68-degree water.
> “That’s when we saw the shadow. It was a thick, dark shape nearly the length of our boat [!!!!] and it swam straight for our fish.”
> In a single gulp, the 400-lb bluefin was gone….
Single gulp of a 400-lb fish?? Coulda been a sharktopus:
Ya got me
Jay Kumar’s BassBlaster is a daily-ish roundup
of the best, worst and funniest in bassin’, as curated by me — Jay Kumar. I started BassFan.com, co-hosted Loudmouth Bass with Zona, was a B.A.S.S. senior writer and a bunch more in bassin’. The Blaster is the #2 daily read on any given day in the wide world o’ bass so thanks for readin’!
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