I’m having a shameful moment — I should’ve been in touch but wasn’t. Bless you Stan and much love brother.
2. Garmin co-founder passes on.
Gary Burrell…
> …co-founded Garmin with Dr. Min Kao in 1989 with the vision of creating products powered by an emerging technology known as the Global Positioning System, or GPS.
Pretty dang cool. Bless you fishin’ brother.
3. Adrian Avena’s baits from Table Rock BPT #2.
> “I was all in offshore — targeted brush and standing timber in 17-30′. Dropshot and spy bait were my one two punch.”
> Berkley Spy 70 Fast Sink [not out yet?], 7′ 6″ M Abu Garcia Fantasista Premier Rod, same reel and line.
4. Jeff Kriet’s got a hospital gown on again.
Believe he’s tryin’ to get thru the BPT season then get that disc taken care of….
5. Shin Fukae used a sinking braid on T-Rock.
6. Elitist Brandon Cobb started off on the bow.
His dad took him to tourneys and fished as a co.
7. Great donny barone post on Elitist Brad Whatley.
Dude quit his job at the Cooper Tire plant in Texarkana, AR to make the jump.
Yo don you should really pursue a career with this writing deal man, you’re pretty good at it…!
8. FLWer Bryan Schmitt on BassEdge Radio.
10. MLF BPT points standings, top and bottom 10.
11. AL: MLF getting $150K from state for Gville HQ.
> Boyd Duckett…said the [MLF] Anglers Association headquarters will be part of a new City Harbor development in Guntersville. “[It is] a real feather in our cap to further extend the message to the rest of the country that hey, we’re all about bass fishing. Major League Fishing, which is the highest level of bass fishing, has chosen to house its Anglers Association here in AL, which will draw attention nationally.”
Few things:
2. One of Boyd’s houses (maybe it’s the only one, I have no idea) I believe is on Gville.
3. Pretty sure another bassin’ organization has its HQ in AL..?? Hint: rhymes with BassBlaster.
12. On ‘Em won back to back BFLs last weekend.
1st one was Sat, next was Sun, both on KY/Barkley in KY/TN. Matt “On Em” Robertson is a highly entertaining dude which you might remember from this year’s Classic:
> “I was fishing the mid-section of KY Lake, from the Blood River to the Highway 68 Bridge. The high water had the schools busted up.
> “I was just fishing points at the mouths of the bays, where the fish would come to after they spawned. I think the lake is about a month behind, and a lot of them are just now getting done.”
> …Robertson returned to a couple of spots he’d fished Sat, but they didn’t produce…found a couple of small schools around the mouth of Jonathan Creek. The fish are moving a lot with the rising water.”
> …fished the Scottsboro Tackle swimbaits, but…the majority of his fish on a TX-rigged
Strike King Bullworm (gp).
13. TX: Guaranteed $50K for 1st at Bassin’ Champs Rayburn.
This weekend. Should be a parade of hammers in that deal.
14. Fishers of Men has a new MLF-like HS series.
> This series will be the first at a national level to use the MLF-style scoring format for high school events.
15. OH portage lakes have good largies?
8 lakes where “catches of 15-lb limits are anything but rare.”
16. PA: Check this HS fishing team logo.
Diggin’ it:
> “The reason we went with it…fishermen are hunters, same concept. The octopus is one of the most adaptive, stealthy creature hunters in the ocean. They’re super-intelligent, they can blend in, there’s a lot of stuff about the octopus which I guess I never even realized.”
17. GA: SPRO expands warehouse by 2.5x.
> Dean Rojas insisted on an indoor froggin’ pond…because who wouldn’t if you could.
> John Crews had to have a D1 weight room because of the whole “Little John” and “Fat John” thing.
> Russ Lane said he’d no longer associate with the company unless it had a legit indoor pitching cage with a mound and a Powerade (not Gatorade) vending machine that was free for him but no one else, especially Mike McClelland.
Naw they ain’t high maintenance….
18. ND: Zebras found in Ashtabula.
19. AL: Tyson chix waste killed 150K fish…
…on the Black Warrior River. Let’s see if they get a slap on the wrist or what.
20. Check this very cool 2-min SIMMS vid.
About what fishin’ is, sorta. You’ll ID with all of it, might even get a little choked up:
“You get one life. Fish it well.”
It was BILL — Bill Arey was the guy whose boat was hit by a police cruiser, not TODD Arey. Sorry, was blastin’ too fast….
Hahaha! Okay, it was Matt Arey. Hope those insurance folks do him right….