1. Cliff Crochet gets Bass U.
Awesome…now they need closed captioning for the Cajunese…hahaha Crochet! Only half kidding tho….
2. Hang with Ish Monroe this weekend…
…at the the Sacramento Fisherman’s Warehouse Daiwa Days, 10 am to 2 pm. Ish knows a ton and loves to share it so git there!
3. Seth Feider gets Lure Lock boxes.
The ones your baits stick into (here on TW). At the link Seth says he “agonizes over damaged tackle.” Gonna suggest cuttin’ down on the Dew and drivin’ a wee little bit slower…. And you ain’t never gonna beat those dudes with a 300 under that cowling lol.
4. Check Brent Ehrler’s 2nd-place Classic trophy.
5. Jordan Lee gets special treatment at ramps.
If that trophy wasn’t bad enough, check what Jo-Lee gets exclusive use of at Elite ramps:
That’s the outside and inside. Rest of the Elites have to just use a regular Johnny on the Spot or whatever the local name is….
[How this stuff pops into and outta my head I have no idea but there it is.]
6. Check Brandon Palaniuk’s AOY speech (vid).
It’s good! Props to him for NOT reading it and just talking.
7. Does Ike sponsor himself?
If so, does this mean that Ike “the thing” is the real Ike, or that Ike “the person” is the real Ike? Not sure even he knows…sometimes….
Either way, still recommend you don’t go to south Jersey without first telling your next of kin exactly where you’ll be and having all your shots…. #sketchy
8. Sabine Elite rescheduled for June 7-10.
Now between the Travis Texas Festivus in late May and the upper Miss Elite in late June. Maybe by then the Sabine fish will get…bigger?
9. FLWers Alex Davis and J. Todd Tucker get Amphibia glasses.
Check out the stylin’s on TW.
10. MO: This weekend’s Ozarks BFL postponed cuz of…snow?
Wish some global warming would show up already….
11. B.A.S.S. gets Black Velvet.
Canadian whiskey. Rumor is B.A.S.S. co-owner Don Logan told his sales guy that if that deal ever got done he’d wrap his Range Rover in velvet so:
12. SD: Northern end of Oahe should fish better?
Post is talkin’ ’bout walleye, but really about fish densities . Lake has herring, smelt and shad. Elitists will be there June-July.Not sure how to pronounce Oahe but I’m goin’ with “Wa-hoo-ee.”
13. IN: Notre Dame “Frozen 4” competitor is a bass-head.
MN kid, got the ND bass team going, love it.
14. SC: $866K dock expansion at Hartwell is done.
Wow some dock:
> Green Pond Landing is the county’s centerpiece…host to fishing tournaments, including the recent Bassmaster Classic and the upcoming Mossy Oak Bassmaster High School Eastern Open….
Wheeler run
Ryan Salzman was so bent on winnin’ this 1-dayer that he ran 72 MILES 1-way to get to his fish — smallies he caught using 4.5″ True Bass Little Head Swimbaits (99 problems and green bean) on 1/2-oz heads. Came back down and culled a couple flipping marina slips with a 1/2-oz Tight Line Mussel Crawler Jig (Pickwick special) with Strike King Rage Craw.
Barnett frowg win
First semi-major topwater win of the season? Anthony Thomas whacked ’em with a SPRO Bronzeye Poppin’ Frog (60, natural) in “heavy grass patches in Pelahatchie Bay that had the coontail moss up under them.”
Dale Holler tie
Both guys had 20-03 — what happened to BFLs weighing to the hundredths? Used to do that. Anyhow, both guys used A-rigs….
16. MO: Dance, Woods free clinics at Big Cedar.
That’s Bill and Tiger. Believe they’re both Apr 17 but make sure you check.
17. KY: PVA derby at Barkley May 5-6.
18. TN: Gov’s bass tourney May 12 at KY Lake.
Info here.
19. TN: Battle of Chickamauga HS Classic Apr 28.
20. SC HS bassers sign with Lander U.
21. AR: 2 new species of crayfish found.
One was named after the biologist who discovered it: Brian. But seriously, you’ll be shocked to learn that both are green pumpkin colored.
22. AR: PRADCO brands will be handled by distributors.
23. DC: ASA gets new membership director.
Kirk Ross, who was at the AR Cattleman’s Association, joins the American Sportfishing Association. Not sure herding cattle translates to herding cats…lol I’m a cat too….
24. ESPN rolls out ESPN+.
Smart for them as their revenue declines and folks cut the cord/satellite and want stuff on-demand. Not sure it will impact bassin’ on ESPN any, BUT on-demand demand is coming in bass tourneys whether B.A.S.S. (and FLW) wants it or not.
May sound scary — just like BASS Live sounded at one point — but it’ll be good.
All you Facebookers, pls join the new BassBlaster Facebook group. 2 reasons:
- Facebook doesn’t like “fan pages” no mo’ so this is a way to see all the BB stuff, includin’ ALL THE GIVEAWAYS — a new one is up there now!
- It’s a great way for you to post stuff that COULD BE used in a Blaster, so you could be interwebz famous!
Click it to get there: