
Giant melon roundup, John Murray saw a monkey, First hemp sponsorship

Give ya a bass-head man-hug welcome to Simms, who made the questionable decision (lol) to support the BassBlaster! Stoked — they make great stuff.

Quick word how that goes: Companies don’t “sign up” or whatever to be Blaster sponsors. They have to make good stuff that I like and think (or know) you’ll like. Gotta say — REALLY have liked everything I’ve gotten from Simms, except one pair o’ shorts that weren’t long enough for my bassin’ fashion self.

Here’s Simms stuff on TW, the Simms website and @simmsbass on Insta.

>> If you’re getting the BassBlaster for the first time it’s cuz a bud signed you up!

Today’s Top 5

Giant melon feeshes roundup!

Yeeeeeeeehaaaaaa git along little dawgies, here we go:

Gotta kick it off with the 14.57 (27″ long) megamouth caught by Zach Sypert outta lil ol’ Marine Creek Lake in Fort Worth, TX Jan 26. New lake record and the first TX ShareLunker (13+ lb) of the year. Word is it was caught on a unnamed jerkbait. Marine Creek’s had a 13+ the last few years I believe:

Check this 12.4 slobbomelon outta MX’s Lake Baccarac — @irodfishing shot:

BPTer Justin Lucas caught this 11.5 tank practicin’ for the BPT — on a bait I’ll out after the tourney’s done:

@mikelongoutdoors only posts bass this size or bigger — which is literally insane:

@lipripper863 got him a 10-03 DD — said his PB is a 11-01 — life’s rough man!

How ’bout Whitney Stephens at the Harris Chain Open!

Dude won it by 11+ lbs!! Check this day 1 32-12 limit — and TD Chris Bowes (right) lookin’ all Mission Impossible:

Key was more where he fished — staging areas:

> Fishing in about 8-10′, he noted that the week’s colder weather worked in his favor by predictably positioning big prespawn fish in the warmer refuges of thicker grass [hydrilla] patches.

2 main baits were dragging a Zoom Magnum Trick Worm (junebug) and a Speed Worm TX-rigged with a 5/16-oz VMC weight with a 5/0 VMC Worm Hook, and rolling a custom spinnerbait over the grass: 3/4-oz gold shiner-colored, double willows with the biggest a #6:

Check that raw thumb. Guess 30+ would do that to you…I personally wouldn’t know….

John Murray saw a dang monkey at Kissimmee!?!?

Was the first day he fished, went something like this — he was dead serious about it:

He caught a 5-lber, the biggest fish of his day 1 — “I was all jacked up.” Believe this was it — the moment just before he saw…the monkey:

While his official was keying in the fish weight, John looked up and:

> “There was this clearing with a big tree. I saw a crane kind of flying in place. I was like, What…? And there was a monkey holding onto both legs!

> “The crane lifted up [with the monkey hanging onto it], then the monkey let go and fell like 5 feet back down to the ground. It fell on all 4s and went back [into the reeds/woods]. I couldn’t believe it!”

You ain’t the only one man! Do I think it was a baby ‘Squatch? Nah cuz monkeys in test labs — or a secret gov’t program lol — get loose when FL hurricanes smash the lab buildings, so a bunch of ’em are running around down there. Besides, saw this dude waiting for the pros to come back at Big Toho Marina…

…and Hack said this structure was key to his flippin’ pattern:

HAHAHA! Seriously tho: Believe that’s the first monkey ever seen at a major bass derby? That anyone’s talked about anyhow….

First hemp/CBD sponsorship in bassin’?

Deets (from here):

> Kona Gold Solutions Inc., a hemp and CBD [cannabidiol] lifestyle brand…announce its title sponsorship of…Dylan Fulk. Kona Gold’s title sponsorship will encompass all of 2019….

> He will be competing in the popular Costa Series and Bass Fishing League Series in 2019, where he’ll be representing the Kona Gold brand at all tournaments, handing out samples and giving our brand valuable exposure….

> …Fulk will make appearances throughout the year at Kona Gold and distributor-sponsored events.

Okay, gotta say I don’t know a thing about this kinda stuff and obviously this is a legal company that, according to its website, mostly does “hemp energy drinks.” But if this type of stuff is gonna be a thing in bassin’, it raises some interesting questions for everyone on the biz side.

3 reasons why ice fishing is nuts.


I THINK this is what happens:
a) gets crazy cold for
b) too long then
c) you lose your dang mind

One of many reasons it’s great to be a bass-head, dang man….


1. BPTer Zack Birge in the ER.

Sounds like back spasms. Sorry to hear, hope he gets ’em licked.

2. What’s KVD doing?

Kelly Jordon didn’t know but I think Kevin’s capturing that trophy’s soul…lol:

3. Spotted: pic with Rick Clunn smiling.

He doesn’t do it much, even when he wins tourneys, so here you go — glad to see it Rick!

4. Denny Brauer in NC now and tomorrow.

Anglers Choice in Spindale. Go see him, he’s a lot nicer now…hahaha Denny!

5. TX: 34.56 limit at Rayburn.

Cody Clark and Blake Harvey gittin’ ‘er done with 6th Sense cranks and Divine jigs (no model or color deets I could find): photo — could not link it.

6. MS: New NetBait owners form holding company.

Called American Baitworks Co. in Ocean Springs, MS:

> …will begin construction of a 75,000 sq ft soft-plastics and hard-baits manufacturing facility and warehouse later this year. Alongside this, it will announce the acquisition and investment in a number of fishing manufacturers in 2019.
Says they will make baits for other companies too.
7. Pre-order you a Baby Bull Shad.3.75″ version of the swimbait — 6 colors, here’s pearl bone: #shazam

8. OR: Proposed bill could ban fishing tournaments?

Sounds like the bill was proposed because of “tournaments” where coyotes are run over by snowmobiles, which I honestly can’t believe is legal even if the animals aren’t designated as “game,” but this language could apply to bassin’ derbies too:

> Prohibits person from organizing, sponsoring, promoting, conducting or participating in contest, competition, tournament or derby that has objective of taking wildlife for prizes or other inducement or for entertainment.

Tip of the Day

James Niggemeyer: Eugene knot for fluorocarbon.

Says he hasn’t had great luck with a Palomar for fluoro, but HAS had good results with this knot, which I’d never heard of — and it looks easy to tie = great:

Quote of the Day

“A predator kills its prey to survive. What you’re describing is more like a bass fisherman.”

– Line from the latest Predator movie — we’re famous yo! Shocked me that none of my bassin’ buds who saw it never mentioned that line to me.

Was almost a random reference — they were talkin’ ’bout how the Predator aliens ain’t really predators, they’re more like trophy hunters…which of course us bass-heads are not. Loved hearin’ it tho!

Suspiciously, this DOES look like a sonar display tho:

Shot of the Day

How ’bout a 13″ (!!) swimbait! Get you a saltwater rod and some Incredible Hulk deltoids, and have at it: @hiroshimacustoms shot

Ya got me
Jay Kumar’s BassBlaster is a daily-ish roundup

of the best, worst and funniest in bassin’, as curated by me — Jay Kumar. I started, co-hosted Loudmouth Bass with Zona, was a B.A.S.S. senior writer and a bunch more in bassin’. The Blaster is the #2 daily read on any given day in the wide world o’ bass so thanks for readin’!

Sign up another bass-head!

If you’re forwarding every Blaster to other bass crackheads, tx much — or you can email me the addys and we’ll take care of it! We’ll never send spam, sell the list or anything else crazy….

Use the best stuff!

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