Overreaction on the interwebz??
What?? That never happens!
Looks like the whole “Elites can’t talk fishing thing” brush-fired its way around the bassin’ inter-world last week. So here’s a clarification: Elitists CAN talk fishing, just not when Trip’s around:
Hope that clears things up…. Seriously, tho, they of course can talk a-feeshn, but — this is the important part — they have to police themselves so they don’t unintentionally get any info about the lakes they’re going to fish.
Many Elitists would turn themselves in if there was a chance they heard/saw something they shouldn’t have, so you can see what a big deal this self-policing deal is. Might be some awkward moments with fans, but…wouldn’t be a first hahaha!
And we’re really just talkin’ ’bout stuff that happens in person, cuz I don’t think there’s a way to po-lice this online.
Bottom line, 2 things:
1. Talk to the Elitists. Git in their grills! Don’t let ’em get away from a sports show or weigh-in without bendin’ their ears. If you really wanna have fun, make your questions as long as possible and watch them start to fidget (hee-hee).
2. At least this isn’t the NFL, which seems to have the most arcane rules ever, like where a completed pass ain’t a touchdown:
Touchdown? What touchdown? One thing about that call: Believe Steelers coach Mike Tomlin is on the committee that approved the rule that hurt his team Sunday night. So sometimes rules have unintended consequences and need to be revised…all good….
BUT…there’s ways to get around rules.
Interesting post on the Texas Fishing Forum about Elites and what happens info-wise. Before going there, bear in mind:
1. No one commenting there is an Elitist or has ever fished the Elites (at least when I read it).
2. Most of the time when guys think they know something about the Elites, they don’t. No offense to anyone who posted there, just been my experience over the years.
3. Sometimes even the Elitists themselves believe things about the Elites that aren’t accurate or true…bein’ bass fishermen themselves!
4. It’s the internet so….
That said, fact or fiction, here I guess is one interesting way to get around the no-info rule:
> …called up a good friend of mine wanting info on Toledo [Bend]. It was within the 30-day no-info rule, so…they went fishing on Rayburn together and just so happened to talk about Toledo all day.
And here’s an interesting thought — wiping GPS points, maybe before practice?
> A lot of this controversy and ambiguity could be eliminated if the rules were modified so that no GPS technology was allowed. GPS has changed the way we fish because now “spots” are extremely specific locations that we couldn’t consistently locate without this technology.
I see the point, but local info was used on the top trails way before GPS.
Here’s the deal: The strict no-info rule is there because enough guys thought it was a big problem. So let’s see what happens.
“I kind of call it the velvet hammer.”
– Marlin tourney guy talkin’ ’bout a polygraph, which is the ultimate tool for B.A.S.S. (and all derbies) to enforce the rules. Also from the marlin dude:
> “You need something to keep people honest. Would you put up $15,000 if you didn’t trust anybody?”
Wait…so if the big bassin’ derbies put up way more than that — does that mean tourney directors are like:
Hahaha you know that’s true TDs!
The marlin-derby anglers are suing after allegedly failing a poly. At stake: Their reps and $2.8 mil prize $$$.
Maybe a better B.A.S.S. rule would be something like: “Before the season we will polygraph every Elite Series angler to see whether they [legal language about getting info].” Bet that would solve whatever’s happening yo!
What Skeet’s a-feehsn now.
Check it:
> “Alright here’s one of my favorite baits in the winter time, a Lucky Craft LV 500 lipless crankbait.
> “The way I fish it in the winter is like a jig — let it sink to the bottom, then hop it…almost like fishing a worm or jig. Sometimes I’m only hopping it 6”, and other times 2′.
> “If you’re fishing a grass lake, look for some short grass that hasn’t died off completely. Outside of that, I look for deeper ditches and creek channels.
Interesting, a spinnerbait/worm rod….
“It’s about equivalent to tying a 3-inch oak tree branch on the end of your line and fishing with it.”
– Dude talkin’ ’bout the Flanders Rig, which he actually likes. If that’s true, wonder if a rod and reel is really needed? Hand line maybe…?
Always remember when fishing a Ned Rig:
“Lake Grampus” sounds like a horror movie title for some reason….
I think?
18. AL: Montevallo U has new outdoor industry program.
19. NE: May not be many jobs left in Sidney…
…once Bass Pro’s acquisition of Cabela’s is done. #True line:
> …when Cabela’s went public it became beholden to Wall Street investors, not Sidney. But he thinks his town is owed something. “Some of these executives are going to end up with these multimillion-dollar payments, and people here are left wondering whether they’re even going to have a job….”
20. Goin’ on at the TW right now.
Arab boat qualifies for BASS state tournament
That one smacked me upside the head, but turns out there’s an Arab, AL so….
Last chance!
Gitcha Christmas bassin’ shots in!
What is hardly anybody bassin’ now? Just take your Santa hat out and selfie yourself! Remember I’m giving away 2 shweet Okuma egg-beaters: 1 cool-lookin’ Ceymar Tiara and 1 new Epixor XT:
Might be 2 winnahs, might be just 1 so gitcha shots in! Here, Facebook, Insta, send ’em!
On BassBlaster.rocks right now
Tip of the Day
Ott Defoe: Now’s the time to get on schools.
You may want to hunt this time of year, which I understand, but if you can get out on the water, it can be some of the best bassin’ of the year. Just listen to Ott:
> “Once you get to Nov and beyond…brings the opportunity of finding big schools of fish. They’re starting to get grouped up into their wintering places, but they’re still feeding pretty good. You have the potential to catch a lot of fish when you find the right deal.
> “…the bite could be in really shallow water or it could be in deep water. It’s not like summer where you only find big groups of fish deep — they can be grouped up shallow too.
> “Baitfish are the most important thing…. Cover doesn’t matter as much — in fact, you’ll catch them around ‘nothing’ banks, as long as the bait is there.”
> Fish the windy side of the lake, as the wind pushes baitfish into predictable areas. Watch for wading birds grouping on the bank, or hovering and diving over open water. Both point to baitfish concentrations.
Asked him fave baits for this and he said:
> “The Rapala DT-4 and DT-6 are my main ones in the fall. They run the right depth for where I want to be fishing.
> “For clean water, the ‘live river shad’ color is best. With a slight stain I like ‘penguin’ [ Ike’s ink color], and for more off-colored water I go with ‘old school’ [same]. Don’t make colors hard, just pick something simple for each color of water.”
Here’s those colors in order:
Ott wears his BUFF stuff in the cool/cold weather: “Having items that make you more comfortable on the water will relate to more casts per day and more fish in the boat.”
Can personally recommend BUFF’s Merino Wool hats and “multifunction headwear,” or what we all call Buffs (lightweight and midweight). If you’re unfamiliar, merino is THE BEST — helps keep you warm, but good for a pretty wide range of temps — and BUFF’s merino is good = not itchy.
Here’s Ott gittin’ his BUFF on with some mini-DeFoes:
Quote of the Day
…you’ll catch more bass in better lakes than you will in gar-holes.
– Greg Hackney talkin’. Huh. Also said:
> Another thing that has to be taken into consideration is that sometimes bass don’t bite very well.
See what gets me here is Hack is a fo real fishin’ genius. So when I read this stuff, I’m like: Am I missing what he’s saying? But he’s also got a wicked sense of humor so I’m like: Is he playin’ us bass-heads or what?
So I texted him about it and he sent me this back:
Supposedly said by Einstein. Texted him back: “Not sure I get it.” He said: “That’s my point.” Still not real sure what happened there….
HAHAHA! Okay, Hack’s for-real point in that post is a good one, which is: You gotta get bites to learn new stuff, so fish the best places you can. My way of saying it is, “No birds, no bird dog.”
Shot of the Day
We all know smallies are mean, but have you ever seen one look this mean? Ultra-cool shot posted by @smallmouthnation:
Iowa DOT to motorists: ‘Deer can’t read signs. Drivers can.’
> …IA Department of Transportation…fielding questions from drivers asking why deer crossing signs aren’t erected at safer spots for deer to cross.
> “This sign isn’t intended to tell deer where to cross,” the Iowa DOT helpfully posted on its Facebook page…. “It’s for drivers to be alert that deer have been in this area in the past.”
Maybe human beings really are getting dumber….
Sign up another bass-head!
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