After winning THREE MLF Bass Pro Tour tourneys in 2022, last year the format changed to 5 fish and for whatever reason...
How did Patrick Walters catch a record-setting 105 lbs of smallmouths at a place he didn’t do so well at til last...
If you had Matt Becker on your bingo card to beat the mighty KVD for the tourney win and beat the amazing...
Who is Joey Cifuentes really and what in tarnation is he doing?? Well how ’bout 2 wins (so far) on his rookie...
Was it a surprise Jordan Lee won a tournament? Nope. In a way, J-Lee always wins – believe he’s won at least...
Cayuga, NY was a smash-fest, just like everyone on the Bass Pro Tour knew it would be. Guys were catching 40+ lbs...
If you look back at Brock’s finishes, you will see that his first blue trophy seemed kinda inevitable: Guys typically don’t get...
Here’s some great info from the guy who has more MLF wins than anyone: 6. And until last weekend, as MLF said,...
What’s amazing about this deal is that Will never fished Lay Lake before in his life. Bahahaha just messin’! He knows that...