Bless you bassin’ brother.
2. MI: Kayak bassin’ mom passes on.
> Her family added that she “passed away doing what she loved, fishing for smallmouth bass on her beloved Huron River.”
> Police say she was not wearing a life jacket.
GoFundMe for the family is here. Bless you bassin’ sister.
3. Mike Iaconelli will fish the Sabine.
Remember it’s a rescheduled tourney that conflicted with a new TV show shoot he had scheduled so he wasn’t gonna fish it, but guess that’s all worked out now. Good for Ike because he’s good at catching small fish on tidal rivers…. #Delaware
Btw Ike wrote a post on the Bassin’masters called “Dealing with pressure.” Thought it was gonna be about him yelling and kicking stuff, but it’s about fishing for pressured fish…. (Hahaha Ike!)
4. Bassin’Festivus champeen Drew Benton on BassEdge Radio.
5. donny barone talks Mark Davis’ hip replacement.
Dang, sounds like that hurts — before the replacement.
6. Kriet and Watson on StrayCasts tomorrow night.
The boyz from too far up north have another wing dinger worked up for tomorrow night with Jeff “don’t wear red undies” Kriet and FLWer James “all too real” Watson. Check it at 7pm Central on Facebook Stray Casts and
7. TX biologist thinks Sabine will fish better this year.
Relatively speaking….
8. AL: Gville fishing better than it has in years?
Hope so…better keep the Asian carp out….
9. WY state record largie was kept…
…in a garbage bag in the back of a truck during dinner and then in a bathrub filled with water overnight before being officially weighed. Don’t get mad cuz WY for sure isn’t used to weighing big bass like in CA or TX, but bet that thing lost at least 1 lb.
10. PA: LMBV killed Susquehanna smallmouths but….
LMBV = largemouth bass virus, which I guess they’ll have to rename. Question is, how did the smallies get stressed enough to become susceptible to it:
> …the Fish and Boat Commission still worries what role high levels of nutrients running off farm fields may have on water conditions and stressing fish.
> Moreover, bass with sex organs of both males and females continue to turn up with no defined cause found.
> “In the course of this investigation, we’ve uncovered a lot of other not-so-nice things in the Susquehanna that need to be cleaned up.”
11. LA/TX: Are bass eating a bunch of white crappie on Caddo?
> …the numbers [of white crappie/perch] were not what they usually are this year.
> …fishermen who have fished Caddo all their lives are seeing that they have never seen before and I have never seen or heard of before. …they pull up to a tree, pole fishing 2-3′ deep on shiners or jigs, and catch a medium-sized white perch [crappie] — and before they can pick the perch up out of the water, a black bass hits the perch.
12. AR: DNR public meeting about Ouachita on THURS.
In Hot Springs.
13. MO: Charity derby on Bull Shoals SATURDAY.
Benefits the MO Special Olympics.
14. TX: Full moon bite is on at Travis?
Sounds like it…but maybe get the BassForecast app and see what it says….
15. IN DNR gives grants to fight invasive veggies.
16. Canada wants peeps to use less lead.
Canada’s got their eye on us man:
17. TN: Bethel U wins SOY.
Cabela’s School of the Year, props:
> Coach Garry Mason: “The Lord has blessed us. We’ve been able to recruit…some really great student-anglers. These guys work hard all year long. Not just when they’re on the water…. It’s just a blessing to get to come to these tournaments and do well.”
18. GA: Bro-sis team competing in FLW HS champeenship.
#stout A little jealous of the parents cuz my two are like:
Hate to say it, but in that way they take after me…a little….
19. KS: HS kid started his own soft-plastics company.
This quote says it all:
> “I have always had a love for fishing and the outdoors, and started really getting into fishing after our school added a bass-fishing team.”
Gitcha a HS team folks!
It’s as if a little pixie wearing a fishing vest goes around sprinkling magical dust on our favorite bass spots….
– Dude talkin’ ’bout a former acid trip spring feeshn in ID. Wonder if one Brandon Palaniuk has access to these pixies…or maybe IS a pixie…or maybe is like: